
Wich one do you think is better Sirius satellite radio or XM? Why?

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I work for sirius and i know xm is our competition but i was just wondering what's the difference because i never had xm and i was wondering if is better, worse, the same.




  1. Just to be legal. The answer is XM because the letters are different, I like those letters better.

    You guys in the forum - your chain is being yanked. Major. This guy doesn't work for either Sirius or XM. I know people who work for XM and Sirius. I used to work for XM. This question is ludicrous. Even someone who occasionally uses YA! knows how many times this question has been asked, nevermind by a righteous employee of either.

    Those guys are professionals. They ALL have both services so they can monitor each other.

    This is irritating because most people here are trying to learn. Even the kids and contestors wanting their codes of the day are trying to learn and being positive. This guy's a fake. I don't like fakes nor phoneys. You don't need to try to impress anyone, you just embarrass yourself. Just ask your question.

  2. i think aside from the talk stations their bassicly the same. I have sirius and i LOVE it i enjoy all the programing howard 100 and howard 101 puts on and the susprise show of the year the Jason ellis show on faction 28.

  3. You do know you guys are merging later this year, right?

  4. You work for Sirius and think XM is your competition?  There must be NO office gossip in that building..... Sirius is better because they got STERN!  Oh, and I like Bubba too.

  5. XM is better. Way more talk and much more variety in music. XM only has one channel devoted to a single artist (Led Zeppelin) while Sirius has four. If you don't like The Boss, The Dead, Elvis or Jimmy Buffett, that's four channels down right there.

    XM has a channel that plays all film scores, a channel with showtunes, has more rock stations, and better decades channels. XM has much better talk stations including its own public radio channel and Opie & Anthony. It also has baseball, more college football, the NHL, and much better traffic/weather channels.

    Sirius has Howard Stern, BBC Radio 1, World Radio Network, NPR and a better trance station. It has the NFL, NBA, and a bunch of other sports nobody cares about, like soccer and Arena Football. It also has NASCAR which I think the worst radio sport imaginable. Sirius has other garbage like Maxim, Cosmo, and Playboy radio, all of which are unlistenable.

    Both have Old-time radio, comedy channels, BBC World Service, and CNN. Both are online, of which Sirius offers more channels than XM.

    Overall, I find XM is better. Sirius fills the niche markets well, but XM has a much better selection overall. Sirius has alot of Sirius-only talk shows, most of which really are pretty bad (except for Jay Thomas). Sirius has gotten alot better over the years, but still is the #2, and by a longshot.

  6. I wouldn't know. I use DMX satellite radio

  7. XM is much better

  8. When I got my satellite radio, I had to choose which one. I chose Sirius. My Husband wanted Howard Stern and college football. I wanted it for Elvis, blues, and the radio classics. I love listening to Burns and Allen. I listen to BBC world news because I want to know the REAL news. I LOVE Sirius Disorder. Celtic punk/rock has always been a favorite of mine, The Pogues and Flogging Molly. I just thought Sirius had a better musical and talk radio selection. The only differences we could tell were MLB, Air America and Oprah. And we really didn't care about any of that anyway.

  9. Sirius is the best out there. More stations, no commercials on music stations and best of all Howard Stern.  XM has lost and continues to lose more and more business since Howard came to Sirius.  If you work for Sirius then you know they are in the midst of buying out XM as long as the government approves of the merger.  Long live Sirius!!!

  10. Ba Ba Booey

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