
Wich one is better??????????

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2 of my 6 hamsters died. I think it was a birth defect....they were all in seperet cages and under 1 year old.

I want a rat or a pair of dwarfs.

I don't know wich one to get though!?

I LOVE rats but dwarfs would fit my cage.

I'm not sure though......please help!!!

I am really reasponsible and i took care of 3 hamsters soo yeah




  1. Rats are much more social and playful with humans, but hamsters are more fun to watch in their cage and cuter. We're babysitting two rats for a friend, and had a hamster and mice before. However, rats need a big cage. Don't squish them.  

  2. I like dwarf hamsters but the females can be pretty mean sometimes. One of mine actually drew blood once. I think that rats would get along better than dwarfs.

  3. If you've already got the stuff for a Dwarf then got with that.  

  4. Aw, um if you don't feel like getting another cage then just get dwarfs, but if you really want a rat and you don't mind getting another cage then get the rat.

    Personally I would get the rat, I love them. :)

  5. Get a rat they are better and live a lot longer, No pet funerals for a while!!

  6. Get a rat. I had about 30 at one time maybe more and a bunch of mice, hamsters, pretty much any rodent you can think of and rat's are the coolest.  If you can find a Kangaroo Rat get that first though, they are amazing, my sister had one.  It will be worth getting a new cage.

  7. Buy a tiny rat!!!!  they are so sweety... you can pet it, you can wash it in water!! my wasn't scared haha.. you can give tem everything to eat, without risking to bring them stomach pains...but do not put the rat together with the hamsters........!!!!!!! it could be a risk for him!!! hasterscan be aggressive with rats.


  8. If you were to decide on getting a rat - please please please do some research first!  Rats are extremely intelligent creatures and take a lot of looking after.  You should never keep just 1 rat, they are very social animals and need the company of another rat.  You will certainly have to buy another cage, a hamster cage is much too small of any rat.  Also bear in mind that rats should have quite a bit of 'out time' where they are free to roam outside there cage, if you leave them in the cage they can quickly become bored.

    Please don't listen to all the answers - rats can't "eat anything" there are quite a few things poisonious to rats!

    In my opinion get a pair of dwarfs.  You have the cage already and have the experience of dealing with hamsters.  

  9. Remember dwarfs (since you already have them) are MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to take car4e of if you want a rat you need new food new cage new EVERYTHING!!!  if yoy feel that you can purchase everything for the rat wich wil cost over 100$ (includes a good cage,food,the rat,etc) this is a good rat cage: and if you already have dwarf hamsters you wouldntr need anything but the hamsters but rats you would need new EVERYTHING anywayz if your not to worried about the price their both the same, here is a good rat care site:


  10. get a dwarf they can live in pairs and interact with you and dwarf hamsters

  11. Rats are more expensive and require more attention and a GIANT cage. I suggest dwarfs, so if any fighting comes up you don't have to spend 100 dollars on another giant cage.

  12. rats are good pets

  13. get rats. They are more social. Just make sure you get a different cage for them.

  14. get a russian dwarf or something like that, best pet i ever had

  15. My sister used to have a rat it was a pretty good pet

  16. how old are you?

    it sounds like you need to concentrate on the pets you have.

  17. get a rat. my friend had one and it was REALLY sweet and not anything like you would think a rat would be. and dwarf hamsters are MEAN i had 2 and one ate the other and then died even though they were brothers. and they dont like to come out a lot. get a rat.

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