
Wichita Kansas preschools recommendations?

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I am moving to the area, any recommendations and any to avoid? and do the preschhol teachers need a 4 yr teaching degree in Kansas? or are there exceptions? half-day programs?




  1. Well i have a 4 yr old and it really depends on how much money you have wichita collegte is a wonderful school but can be quit pricey!!!!!!  Last yr I send my daughter to a catholic preschool which was 75 a month which i belive was a very good price but now that she is 4 i would call early childhood education for the wichita public schools !!! Also i would suggest if u quilify for head start dont send your child they are not good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also what side of town are you moving 2 in wichita?

    Also Im and i will tell u more about the wichita area

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