
Wicked stepmother with Pluto in Leo?

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I supported my dad when he married cos' I wanted him to be happy, but to give a flavour of what my stepmum is like , she moved into the family home 6 weeks after my mum died. A week later my Dads shouting at me to get my mum's things out of the house because they are upsetting her - my stepmum.

Well as times gone on, my relationship with my Dad has been severely damaged and I'm more and more convinced she doesn't love him .

But now it feels like my dad needs me, but I'm scared of my stepmum. With Pluto in Leo it's like she has the power to take peoples hearts and then persuade them against themselves. I wish I could describe it better, I feel I have no strength to stand against her, I'm strong mentally, (air)and I'm quite psychic(water) but I have no planets in fire.

It's like she can turn my dad into a weapon against me and has done at times. It's like she senses I see through her and would try and destroy me if she could. And maybe she can. I wish I could verbalise my impressions better.

My dad's been pretty ill the last couple of years, though he's stable at the moment.

What I feel is if I attempt to support him I won't be able to pursue love for myself, or other things, and that I might be damaged if I attempt it. I don't blame my dad, for stuff because I can see she's stronger than him. But I'm troubled and I'm not sure what to do. I don't see my stepmum, but her influence is felt. I see my Dad sometimes for a drink.

I find Leo difficult to get as a sign because I have very strong Aquarius.

Pluto is currently transiting my Pisces Moon. It last did this when in Scorpio and that's when my mum died and my dad remarried.




  1. Do you know how long Pluto stays in a sign? Years and years. I have Pluto in Leo and I've never been heart stealer and persuader of people against themselves. You are being overly dramatic. I think you just don't like her and think she's taking your father away from you. You haven't even told us about her sun, moon or anything else. Why all the focus on her Pluto? You are giving her way too much recognition and power. I don't have much fire in my chart, but that doesn't make me a weak person. Use your air and water sign influences. They give you mental power and intuition.

  2. you think it's a disadvantage to have aquarius influence, I think it's the opposite, though I may be wrong. my mother has very strong aqua influence and can squeeze any leo into miniature pieces.

    actually, she can do that to anybody, but leos included.

    your stepmum does seem very harsh. I think the only thing to do is attempt murder, but really, don't even think about that, because it would be a big disadvantage for you, quite obviously.

    Just try to avoid her, and slowly brainwash your father. over time she'll realize she's not getting to you or anybody. she'll cut it out, unless she's entirely stupid.

    And about your wedding, she can't make him not go. Take your dad down the aisle, eve if he doesn't take you. Pretend you have a mercury in scorpio, and bite his tongue off. Say that you would be immensely ashamed of walking down the aisle without your father, and some of your friends my not even know him, so say that your friends think that you don't even have one. After a while of saying things that would basically crush his heart, go to the light at the end of the tunnel, and say- "well, none of this would be an issue, if you come with me to my wedding", and use your charm, but no pout.

    I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry for your family that has to deal with that woman. Just what you wrote makes me imagine, like a fattish older age woman, that has a heavy voice that takes her anywhere, although I may be wrong.

    Hope this helped.    :)

    don't forget to avoid her as much as possible.

  3. You're not going to like this, but your father is a total and complete jerk. I think it's wrong that you're blaming your stepmother for the way a grown man who has known you since birth has treated you. She may be stronger and more dominant, but remember, he CHOSE to let her take over. Any respectable man never would have chosen a woman over his children like that. Further, a good person would have recognized her trying to break up his family and gotten rid of her.  Six weeks after your mother died, she moved in and he got rid of your mother's clothes? That's when you should have opened up your mouth right there. A good woman would not feel threatened by a man's deceased wife and would be sympathetic to the children and try to be supportive.  I understand you love your dad, but these excuses you are making for him are really insane.  There IS no excuse for it. ANY of it!  Why are all of you making excuses for your father? If he has love and care for his children and grandchildren he will tell her to go to h**l, and that he WILL have a relationship with you all whether she likes it or not.  Stop directing your anger on her and put it on the person you should...your dad. Get him out and ask him why he has allowed this to happen.  And don't give me this "She's stronger than him" are his flesh and blood. What in the h**l is more important than that?

  4. I would like to help, but some things here confuses me:

    1) Are she and your dad quite different in age? Pluto is generational, so if they are close in age... Well, what I after is his Pluto sign?

    2) In what way do you mean that Pluto is transiting your Pisces Moon. Do you mean making a square aspect to it?

    3) Could you give your father's and stepmother's Sun, Moon, Mars for instance, so we could help better?

    Like I said Pluto signs are generational. I think if this were Pluto, it would be more a case of what house Pluto is in rather than what sign it's in.

    I've seen people who do this sort of thing, and it is sad. When my widower father was very sick, his visiting nurse eventually got her claws in him. All of a sudden, he turned on the rest of us. I was so disappointed, but I guess part of it was her influence, and part of it was him wanting to hide behind her and let her be the bad guy.  

  5. You explained the situation very articulately.

    I know you've been inundated with advice on this already, and most of the people here probably won't agree with me, but....

    I say that the main power of a Pluto in Leo gone bad (in this case) is it's ability to "act" warm and loving in order to set itself up in a "kingdom". It does this not for security, but for needs others to recognize it's authority, and in Pluto, this means exerting it's will upon others when it doesn't get it's way.

    It's Achilles heel is that desire and need for recognition. It will do anything for that....anything, and Pluto has no problems being mean, cruel, or playing unfairly. I suggest manipulating that weakness as much as possible.

    You, Aquarius, desperately need confederates...your strength is in the group, the combined effort of others focused to the common good, and right now, you're not being very successful with Dad, but there's those other family members out there that are getting the raw end of the stick too...and they would be great confederates. And they probably need you to step in right now and pull them together.

    I don't advocate sewing the seeds of dissension among family members, but I do think that banding together to support each other will be beneficial for all concerned. Eventually, expressing your joint issues as a combined front to you father may have the desired effect of opening his eyes to the severity of the situation.

    **I understand where Marina is coming from, but it may be just that your father is physically and spiritually too weak from being ill to stand up to her. At some point, a person can get so run down that there's no fight left..this sounds like what is happening to your father. The step-mother may have just been taking advantage of this, and may even think that she's doing the right thing by "taking charge" of everything while dad's sick...even if she's not diplomatic about it.**

    My very best to you.

    Capricorn Sun/Aquarius Moon

  6. Dang your dad remarried quickly!!! Only 6 weeks after your mom passed away? I guess he recovers quick or had a second person in mind while your mom was around. Who knows?

    Anyways.... When I got a Step-mom she was mean and everything but over the years it gets better. Pluto in Leo sucks!!! They're mean. I think your step-mom will ruin your dads life, she probably in it for the money or somehting. Your dad seems to be going all negative and down hill. I'm sorry for your tough life. You miss your mom?

  7. First of all, you should take a look at what house her pluto is in and what aspects surround that pluto, if that planet is what you think is giving her a lot of drive.

    Secondly, as the poster above me says - aquarius influence is by no means a weak influence (it is a fixed sign, after all). Boy have I known some aquarians that are the most stubborn, tough little creatures, absolutely impossible to push in the background... much less easy to break the spirits of than a leo influence, in my opinion.

    Fire does not necessarily give someone an undeniable and untouchable strength - it makes them brash and impulsive. They can walk all over anything IF you let them, but their spontaneity is their weakness... air gives the power to think and plan, and you have that intuition there (particularly with that pisces moon). It's probably that same pisces moon that is making you feel like you can't stand up to her force, however... but that's ridiculous.

    You have your own power, so exert your own influence. She is just a person, she is absolutely nothing to fear. Anybody can crush anybody in some way, nobody has the power to win all battles. Ignore her and act the way you want to act around your dad, as if you don't even notice she's there.

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