I supported my dad when he married cos' I wanted him to be happy, but to give a flavour of what my stepmum is like , she moved into the family home 6 weeks after my mum died. A week later my Dads shouting at me to get my mum's things out of the house because they are upsetting her - my stepmum.
Well as times gone on, my relationship with my Dad has been severely damaged and I'm more and more convinced she doesn't love him .
But now it feels like my dad needs me, but I'm scared of my stepmum. With Pluto in Leo it's like she has the power to take peoples hearts and then persuade them against themselves. I wish I could describe it better, I feel I have no strength to stand against her, I'm strong mentally, (air)and I'm quite psychic(water) but I have no planets in fire.
It's like she can turn my dad into a weapon against me and has done at times. It's like she senses I see through her and would try and destroy me if she could. And maybe she can. I wish I could verbalise my impressions better.
My dad's been pretty ill the last couple of years, though he's stable at the moment.
What I feel is if I attempt to support him I won't be able to pursue love for myself, or other things, and that I might be damaged if I attempt it. I don't blame my dad, for stuff because I can see she's stronger than him. But I'm troubled and I'm not sure what to do. I don't see my stepmum, but her influence is felt. I see my Dad sometimes for a drink.
I find Leo difficult to get as a sign because I have very strong Aquarius.
Pluto is currently transiting my Pisces Moon. It last did this when in Scorpio and that's when my mum died and my dad remarried.