
Wierd Dream??? involving two diff girls..plz read details

by  |  earlier

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I was in my basement and my current girlfriend was there and there was some other girl there that i havent talked to in like 2yrs but she used to go to my school and she's hot and all but i relli like my gf we have been going out a while and in the dream i started out sitting next to my gf then the other girl appeared and i run over to the other girl and start like cuddling on to her..and i start feeling up the other girl then my gf looks sad and says i relli wish we never broke up.

I DONT GET IT what the heck i never broke up with my gf or even plan on doing it i relli like her...what could this dream mean




  1. well its probably just a crazy dream cuz ur brain does a lot of crazy stuff while u sleep. but on the other hand theres a slight chance that it could be a sign and something similar to that could happen in real life.

  2. it's just a dream!

  3. i agree wit the first guy lol

    and maybe you miss the girl? have no idea why you would since you havent seen her in 4eva

    or ur current girl is going to break up with you soon? if you have it again it prob will happen idk i suck with dreams lol

  4. i dont know dude. whatever you do...DONT TELL YOUR GF ABOUT THIS DREAM! lol

  5. Well I'm no expert at predicting dreams, but i'm guessing it could be 1 to 2 things.

    It could mean that someone else will appear in your lifetime and mess up your relationship with your current gf. She could so how make an impact with what you've got with your current gf.

    Or it could just be your mind playing games with you. Especially if your known to think the worse

    All in all, dreams don't, or actually hardly play a role in our real lives.  They just mimic us in believing something that is worse or un real

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