
Wierd Visual Thing? HELP!!!?

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First of all, thank you for any help and second, what I am about to describe ARE NOT FLOATERS! I have tons of floaters but these are different!

Here is the issue. When I look up or to the left or right, I see cloudy blob rise up from the bottom of my vision.

Example....if I am looking straight ahead and then dart my vision diagonally, up to the left, I see a pretty large white, cloudy but translucent blob rise up from the bottom of my left eye.

If I look straight ahead but then look right up, I see a lot of cloudy but still translucent and large blobs rise straight up from the entire bottom of my eyelids on both eyes.

They are not floaters and defintaely don't move like floaters. They are stationary until I move my eyes back to a straight-forward looking position and they lower back down below my lower eye lids.

Has anyone else expeienced this and is so, what might it be???? I am getting pretty freaked out about it!

Thanks again!




  1. I too have experienced floaters so when you say this is not the same I feel a shock of recognition at what you are describing.  For myself the blobs were similar to a lava lamp running on a string along the far side of my vision.  If of this this sounds familiar please consult with an opthalmologist TODAY.  In my case I was experiencing a detatched retina.  Timing is of the essence to catch and repair the retina before the optic nerve becomes involved.  I assure you this is an emergency and any opthalmologist worth his/her salt will see it that way even if it is after hours.  Thanks to a great surgeon my retina was successfully reattached and my vision saved.  Please be forceful and get yourself seen immediately.  If you cannot be seen until tomorrow consider not having any food after midnight tonight so if you do need surgery they can do so that same day.  I wish you much luck.

  2. I agree. This sounds very serious.  Very much like a detached retina.  Demand to be seen immediately!!!!!!

  3. Depending on your age, you might have had a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).  These happen to nearly everyone and most are harmless, just annoying.  A few can create problems with the retina which is more dangerous.

    The signs of PVD include a large, filmy or cloudy-like obstruction in your vision.   It can settle at the bottom and move when you move your eye around.  You may get an occasional flash of light, but many of patients do not report this.

    There are some forms of inflammation that can do that as well, but I would have expected you to report additional symptoms along with those above.

    At any rate, a visit to your eye doctor is in order to rule out any problems as that sort phenomenon warrants investigation.

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