
Wierd WWll dream???

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I had this dream where i was fighting in WWll with my freinds as my comrades and teachers as sergants. The Germans were the grade higher than me and a mowed down ar least 10 of them with a trench gun before I woke up. Any clue what this means?




  1. i couldnt tell you what this means bro, but i have a lot of wwII dream as well.  i am running into the battle from a tunnel and i wake up every time right before i get into things.  have you had a dream you jsut described or anything related before?

  2. It seems like the Germans in the grade higher are picking on you and your friends and you feel like it is some sort of war and you would love to just shoot them all without feeling guilty.  it is good that the teachers are in a leadership role it shows that you respect and trust your teachers,  Keep killing the Germans it will make you feel better when they laugh at you in the day time.

  3. I had a dream similar to that. I dreamed that I was a Naval officer on shore leave with a group of my old Navy buddies from when I was active duty. It looked like we where down town Washington D.C., but back during the time of the war. Another Naval officer stopped me in a crowd of people and asked me if I worked in Intel. I told him discreetly yes by nodding my head, and I whispered I was a Cryptologic Communicator. He pointed out to me that a group of men trying to blend in with the crowd where actually German spies that had been identified in earlier intelligence reports prior to our pulling in port. We both step away from the crowd that was watching a magic show, only to be met by a whole battalion of German soldiers, tanks, and armor marching up Mount Vernon Sq. 7th Street and K (NW) in D.C.

    Once the crowd stopped watching the show and realized what was happing, people panicked, and the other officer and I was separated during the shuffle. I observed a man standing  at the base of the 7th St. Street light, motioning a group of sailors to take cover in the old Carnegie Library building, where there was a fall out shelter in case of a nuclear attack. I followed the crowd, but something didn’t feel right. I felt trapped like a rat and I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. I began to lose it, and some of the sailors in the shelter where trying to quite me. This old, salty Master Chief yelled at the group of guys trying to quite me and said “Let her go, if she wants to get killed so be it”. I exited the shelter and squeezed myself in between three huge main frame computer racks (I’m talking mammoth data processing machines that was being used to gather signal intelligence). I heard screaming, shooting and one large explosion. Peaking through the cracks, I saw a grenade roll into the room I was in, but I was shielded by the blast and shrapnel by the main frames.

    The one in front of me was blasted backwards, but fell just short of falling on top of me. Where as the two on both sides of me some how leaned in towards me and ended up resting on top of the main frame that was shielding from the blast. Creating this perfect cocoon for me to hide in. I waited until the yelling, screaming and shooting stopped and I squeezed through a small opening at the base of the computer racks. The place had been blown to high heaven, there was dead bodies every where (Military and civilian) and everyone that was in the fall out shelter was dead! Including the officer that had approached me in the crowd. As I cautiously made my way to the top of the stairs from the basement, I could hear the tanks rolling away from my location in the distance with German soldiers marching behind them. Then I woke up. But this was all after I feel asleep watching “Band of Brothers” on A&E (and a rum and coke).
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