
Wierd and embarrasing situation.........**** Swolen?=/ too embarred to tell anyone?

by  |  earlier

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Basicly the hole of the a**s......on little bit is swolen i have no idea why it started this morning im too embarrsed to tell parents or what not.....what should i do plz....? this is not a joke btw....




  1. You need to tell your parents. I'm not sure what it is, but you need to see a doctor ay-sap incase it's serious.

  2. Does it itch? If it does, you might have hemorrhoids. Just go see a doctor by yourself, it's nothing to be worried about.

  3. it could be a hemorrhoid, an inlammation of the blood vessels in your a**s, or even around your a**s. it may cause some discomfort when you p**p. go see your family doctor. he may recommend sitz baths, its when you immerse your bottom in warm water (if you have a bath tub) for about 15 minutes every day.  

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