
Wierd dreams and "words"?

by  |  earlier

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every so often b4 i go 2 sleep. when im laying in bed. i hear the word "only" in my head, outlound, or it appears in my head. i hear it shouted, or i think it or i literally see it. i dont know why. always a woman voice that says it. and once she said my name. what is this?




  1. it is your spirity guide in my opinion, she is trying to tell you something.  ( some say spirity guide some say gaurdian angel, i guess it depends on your religion or spirituality) but yes they can speak to you outloud or in your head or in your dreams somtimes, also they are like your concious have you ever gotten a gut feeling about something? its theyre way of telling you. but that is only my opinion and you may think other wise.

    your guides are ALWAYS trying to get your attention!! they are there to help you and maybe try meditating sometimes you can get that down pat and start a communication with her/him and it is very good for the soul!!   ;)

  2. There's a spirit nearby.  Her intent is using this one word is really inexplicable but this is a common occurance.  A prayer before you sleep would ward this all off.

  3. Its the spirit of a love one who is around you and when she says ;;only ;; she is telling you ;; If you only knew how much joy is on your way ; because last year you were quite depress ; its lot better but its not finished ; but better days will be there soon

  4. I've had the same problem but with "soon".

    Mine's creepier than yours. :D

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