OK, i have no idea how to explain this, Ive gone to a doctor and no one can figure out what is wrong with me because i cant tell anyone how i feel. i have this feeling in my head, like im really confused, and i feel like im not even here, honestly it feels like i am just a body standing, sitting, whatever. it is so scary sometimes these feeling last for a few seconds but lately they have been lasting for like.. 3 days. it is so frustrating when im sitting and it just happens, i seriously want to cry. i had the same feelings when i was about 9 and the doctors gave me med. treating me for migraines, he said he knew that wasn't wat this was, but the medicine was just used to help slow these down. the feelings don't hurt, i just am dizzy, out of it, and feel like i am not here. please dnt say anything rude, i don't want this to be something bad that i could have taken care of, so please does anyone feel like this too, or know what is wrong? please help, thank you