
Wierd *** question that will keep you thinking.?

by Guest63450  |  earlier

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read these questions as if you are writing them.

1.) why am i me and not someone else?

2.) what is at the end of the universe because everything has to end..

3.) are my dreams just a second life?

4.) what will happen when i die?

5.) is there another universe outside of ours that have people just like us thinking the same thing....?

6.)what is my purpose of living?





  1. 1. I am me because I was chosen to be in this body with this soul and I should be thankful to have been chosen to live even though I'm not.

    2. Depends on your beliefs :)

    3.I think my dreams and my concious thoughts twisted into something really weird so it makes me think when I get up :)

    4. I don't know. If I believe in God I will either go to heaven or h**l if I don't, then I don't have any idea what will happen :P

    5. I hope so because that would be cool :)

    6. I'm not sure yet :l

  2. Wow.  You are so deep.  No wonder you're a philosopher.  Thanks for posting.  You really opened my mind and made me think about things that I'd never thought of before.

    Really though, try asking some useful questions, like...

    "Why am I writing things like 'MORE OF THESE WILL BE COMING SHORTLY'?  Is it because I am so full of myself that I think other people actually care?"

  3. 1.) Why is time in lot for can be safer.

    2.) Listening for yonder places... under.

    3.) Pillows franchise terrible governor seriously!

    4.) Reflections hello.

    5.) Open wet frank cavern.

    6.) Comma Comma Comma Comma Comma Comma Comma Comma Comma.

  4. Who is someone else?

    Does a circle have points? Begining or End?

    What is a thought?

    What is happening as I live and why would death change that?

    What gives meaning?

  5. 1.I dont ponder at this one. I already know my fate of being miserable.

    2.does it?

    3.I actually always thought that that was true. that my sould comeos out of me and does these crazy things while I sleep.

    4.memories will be erased.

    5.I've always thought of that. but not the same thing part. be miserable so I can give others happiness has been givin to those who are happy everyday.

  6. 1.) because i am who i am.

    2.) possibly another universe?

    3.) that would be amazing if that were true.

    4.) people will mourn. my spirit will go to heaven.

    5.) that'd be interesting if there were.

    6.) to make atleast a little impact in the world.

  7. 1. you are u because u chose to be u whether your past dictated it or u personally chose it (i don't believe in conventional reincarnation...its complicated)

    2. look around you the entire universe revolves around continuous cycles (ie: planets rotation, water cycle, flowers grow...bloom...die..rebloom..ect.)

    why would be an exception?

    3. no. they are mostly a collection of subconscious or conscious thoughts and or memories that are experienced more vividly while you are asleep because while you are sleeping you slip out of time and don't have the same boundaries that you place on yourself while awake

    4. you'll go on to your next stage of existence. our bodies are only vessels that contain our real selves which is immortal and continues on through each stage and is what experiences the full cycles around us there are indubitably an infinite amount of universes but each one is unique

    this is where souls that have traveled similar paths like our own are drawn to. i doubt that any other universes are anything like each other and would be indescribable for us.

    heaven and h**l are possibly the two universes that the souls that end up in this particular universe are destined to go to after we die... which are extremely difficult for us to comprehend or even accept the existence of

    6. that is something you have to discover for yourself because its different for everyone. your path is not mine

  8. 1) Why am I me and not someone else? Because of the way my parents raised me, and the influences from the people around me (Collegues, friends ect)

    2) What is at the end of the universe because everything has to end... At the end of the universe there must be such thing as a void, or there must be such thing as infinate safe.

    3) Are my dreams just a second life? No they are messages from my subconscious self about my true desires and wants.

    4) What will happen when I die? The circle of life will be complete. If you cannot believe that there is nothing after death, then how do you explain there being nothing before life?

    5) Is there another unicerse outside of ours that have people just like us think the same things? It's certainly a possibility, who knows, there is no way to prove it either way at this point?

    6) What is the purpose of living? To die. (Morbid I know!)

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