after i smoked weed two days ago approximatly at 8:10, i felt dizzy, threw up, leg shakey, and in my head, i was thinking like i was going crazy. i felt like my body was not mine, and after a day i had a and this morning, i still feel the same with a headache, just less. i am wondering what this is and if it would go away, and pass, i am scared please help. i feel like "how am i moving my body, it just happenes, and like i dont forget who i am, but it seems unbelieveable to seem who i am, kind of feeling, help
i feel like im watching my life, and not contorling it, but i cant control myself, hate this feeling, when will it pass, and have any of you experienced the same thing, weed just isnt me, i know that, but i smoked at 8:10 PM 2 days ago, and i still have the same effects just a little less,