
Wierd scary feeling after smoking weed after 3 days?

by  |  earlier

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after i smoked weed two days ago approximatly at 8:10, i felt dizzy, threw up, leg shakey, and in my head, i was thinking like i was going crazy. i felt like my body was not mine, and after a day i had a and this morning, i still feel the same with a headache, just less. i am wondering what this is and if it would go away, and pass, i am scared please help. i feel like "how am i moving my body, it just happenes, and like i dont forget who i am, but it seems unbelieveable to seem who i am, kind of feeling, help

i feel like im watching my life, and not contorling it, but i cant control myself, hate this feeling, when will it pass, and have any of you experienced the same thing, weed just isnt me, i know that, but i smoked at 8:10 PM 2 days ago, and i still have the same effects just a little less,

I feel like "how did i get to this point, i am going crazy" i dont see stuff, i just think about that i dont feel like i am controlling myself, and like how am i moving my arms,




  1. yeah, the first time i smoked weed i experienced this, actually i would describe my experience as worse. I kind of totally freaked out at first, i kind of completely hallucinated, which you aren't suppose to do with weed and then for the next week i felt like, not myself.  It went away. I knew weed wasn't the drug for me either, but i ended up doing it again and occasionally experiencing the same side effects over and over, but not every time.  

    It should go away, so don't worry so much.  But like you said, its not for you. You shouldn't do it again. Maybe you have some underlying mental problem that you dont know about and weed brings it out.  Exacerbates the problem.  Drugs and alcohol will do that.  Just focus on gettting your mind together, and if these feelings dont go away, consider speaking with a doctor.  Talk to your parents, friends, someone.

  2. Sounds like your weed might have been laced with a hallucagentic drug. I've been smoking over 20 years this only happened with laced weed once 18yrs ago this will pass after 72hours

  3. well i have been smokin weed for about 3 years now and i have nevr experienced anythig like that. did u take any other drugs wit the weed? if u realy think your gunna pass you should go see a doctor.  

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