
Wierd sounds.?

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I keep hearing a wierd screeching sound coming out of my gas tank when my bike is off. Can anybody tell me what it is? Is something wrong? my bike is a kawi vulcan 500 and i barly got it yestarday brand new.




  1. Hey, Moe B if you know so much, why do I see your name in the "asking" part of this site so often? That Maddog sounds like a good guy, how about it Moe B?

  2. JOE BLOW (ME).....youre still an idiot

    pos mf

  3. take it back to the dealer and tell them to hook up the fuel lines right, they have the bypass and fuel line switched

    and call them dummies!

    I know more than any motorcycle mechanic

    yes I do know it all

  4. If the bike is off when this is happening and it's coming from the tank my guess is that it's just gas vapors expanding from the heat of the motor after you've shut it down and leaking past the gas cap. Do you hear it once the bike has cooled off? Probably not. Check it out.

    Next time you hear it put your ear to the gas cap. I bet you even hear a slight hiss too. Ain't no big thang.

    And congratulations on the new bike. Have fun , be careful and keep the shiny side up.

  5. its the squirrel have you fed him..... sorry  i had to... no man take it back

  6. The vent line for the gas tank is either kinked or clogged, either way you've got pressure trying to escape through the vent hose.  You could find it yourself, but if you got it brand new yesterday, take it back and let them fix it.

    It's not a matter of a bypass being connected in the wrong place, bypass lines are for fuel injected engines to compensate for too much pressure by the fuel pump, and your bike is a carbureted bike and uses gravity to feed the carbs, not a fuel pump.

  7. Joe B. I am glad you know every thing. The last guy like that I knew that said that got buried so now some one can take his place. Now that the  master squid is out of the way any problem take it back to the dealer he got your money and it is his job to make it right.
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