
Wierd <span title="dream,woods,boat,panthers??">dream,woods,boat,panthers...</span>

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I dreamed about going looking for panthers in woods in an unfamiliar place,we were going down a steep hill with a waterway at the bottom and it seemed to be getting dark in the woods,while going down the bank a guy that Ive liked for a while (but I have a bf) almost slid so I grabbed him and helped him up ,then he smiled and I started to go down the hill and he grabbed my shoulder so I wouldnt fall,I didnt see him after this,my brother was also there,and I cant remember anyone else,a large group of people,then we got to the bottom and hadnt seen anything and there was a small,poor village,and a small boat,and on the other side of the water was a large boat with some of my friends on it waving at me so I went over to them, this is all I remember




  1. Boat

    The boat is a dream symbol for your life and/or business, and the dreamer must pull together all the aspects of this dream to approximate the meaning, such as: the water, whether it is clear, murky, inland lakes, or oceans, was the boat moving, etc., so look up all the dream symbols you can remember and you should be able to glean the sense of your dream. Don&#039;t forget to consider idioms; don&#039;t rock the boat, we are all in the same boat, and so on.


    Any dream that you have that features boys in any activity is a good omen and bodes well for the dreamer in whatever he/she is undertaking at the present time. Of course, if the boys are injured, or otherwise beset, then you must take the dream to mean an ill omen. Brakes: Brakes are a warning dream, and more so if you dream that you braked a vehicle and the brakes failed. Failing brakes are a warning not to accept a new offer that you have just been presented with, as there are well hidden snags that can harm more that help. The action of braking itself is an idiom telling you to &#039;put the brakes on&#039;, whether it is business or love, or even some impetuous act that could cause you legal trouble. You should also check your brakes on your personal vehicle.


    Beautiful green woods with lots of life and growth shows an increase in your station in life as well as your income. If the woods are dried up or dying then the opposite will prevail for you. Woods seen on an overcast day with a dark and dreary appearance augers danger for the dreamer.


    Animals most often represent that aspect of ourselves, or parts of our personality, that are present in our ordinary life. It is generally given that the more primitive the animal then the more primitive or deeper the layer of consciousness that represents. To dream of being bitten by an animal may be a manifestation of a fear of animals. What the animal is doing in the dream is also very important, if say, a pig is dancing, then maybe that means that the side of you that likes to over indulge is very happy with that. But if the pig were crying then that might indicate an inner urge to curb and over indulge in habit.


    If you dream of a large family this means that your fortunes in life are looking up, but if the family is unhappy or bickering it will denote the opposite for you. It would mean the same if the family is an animal family. If the family is very sad expect some adverse reactions in your financial structure.


    If you dream of good friends in a congenial and happy setting then you will soon here good new of them or a close relative. If they exhibit staunch friendship for you in your dream then all your current activities will be successes. If you see them as sad or unhappy you will receive news of an illness.


    If you dream of a river, you need to take more control over your life


    Falling or rapidly descending: Fear of a loss of control or of something material


    Below it: More energy needed in a situation to get a resolution. On top of it: Achieved objective; feeling satisfied. Time to make new plans.

    Hope this helps some... I&#039;ve taken this stuff off of some really helpful sites... they have a LOT of meanings on here... i use the site all the time... they help a lot... hope they help u :D

  2. To dream see a boat, signifies you ability to cope and express your emotions. Pay particular attention to the condition and state of the waters, whether is is calm or violent, clear or murky, etc. Are you &quot;smooth sailing&quot;? Alternatively, you may be ready to confront your unconscious and unknown aspects of yourself.

    To see a panther in your dream, signifies lurking danger and enemies working to do you harm. It represents darkness, death, and rebirth. On a more positive note, panthers signify power, beauty and/or grace.

    To dream that you are walking through the woods, signifies your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual.

  3. It means your life with your bf is boring and you want some excitement like Indie Jones.  Your friends are waving cause they think you outta go for it.

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