
Wieredest dream of my life! what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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ok its all random things rolled into one but ill tell you the parts i remember.

ok i was at a university (where i plan to go in the futre) and i was in a computer class and it was very relaxed we just played computer games and emailed eachother, then we stopped and all gathered around a table where we passed this thing around and all smoked weed together lol.

then the next part was is that i wake up outside my school and i relaise that im dead, ii dont know how but i did lol. and then theres this like lava spilling into the school (we dont have volcanoes in england) and it was going against the english block i pushed it and it started to tip and i remember thinking that thing sunk like the titanic dno why and i walked along when the pipes to the toilets burst and all this water hit me and then i walked over to the pool across the road and sat on the steps andi remember feeling lonely and depressed , people were walking past me and then one of my friends was talking to me and another one who i think i killed in the dream when i tipped the building lol. but then at the end i was thinking am i really dead or did everyone die?? and i remember panicking alot in the dream, it was very so-real like i was actually there and so strange.

another part was that we were helping people swim somewhere when i went to get out and this girl was holding onto me and i was being pulled under water and i had to kick her off me and people were having ago and i didnt understand it.

that was everything i wtf happend? what does it all mean?? or am i just having a random psychotic dream??




  1. death in a dream usually represents change; significant change, like

    the old self has died so the new self can emerge.  It's very often a

    spiritual connotation, like a belief system.

    Have you had a drastic shift in the way you believe?

    see if that fits at all.

    God bless.

  2. The theme of your dream is chaos and destruction. I would say that this dream may just signify that there is alot in of obstacles between you and the future that you are wishing for.

  3. (I think) dreams are just the random creations of neurons in the brain "bouncing around", hitting past thoughts or memories to make a ''movie'' inside your head. They almost never make sense for me. Some of my dreams I can relate to something I felt, thought of, or saw the day or a few days before, recreated in my dream. Maybe, subconsciously, you were thinking about computer games, weed, school, and toilets. Or maybe you saw a toilet and it came back in your dream. Whatever, I don't know.

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