
Wife Swap: why do people put themselves up as participants for the TV show and...?

by  |  earlier

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then lose their temper, become nasty and kick up a storm when they take part when they know it will be a tough experience?




  1. Lol, I'm watching that right's so obvious that it's all an act and it's set up. There's a director sat behind the camera telling them every little move they should make...

  2. For the cash! The producers make sure that it will be interesting tv & then the people get paid.

  3. Well, they purposely pit complete opposites against eachother - that adds to the possibility of anger and confrontation.  And I've noticed it's mostly the husbands who aren't as willing to make changes.

    I've often wanted to be on the show myself, but I'm so easy going and so middle-of-the road on most things - plus I would have no problem assimilating into almost any situation or any type of family (knowing it's only for 2 weeks), that I'm sure I would never be picked.  I also would have too much respect for other people's property and lifestyle that I could never try to make such drastic changes!!!

  4. I've wondered about this myself. Whenever my kids are really acting up I casually tell my husband I'm thinking about signing up for that show. It's usually good for a few days of flawless behavior and much appreciation from my boys. :)

  5. this is the wrong section for swingers lad, try down the hall.

    just kidding, but i don't know what the purpose is, or why anyone would agree to it but to each their own

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