
Wife become diaper dependent after giving birth?

by  |  earlier

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we like in congo and can't affort surgery. the doctor said because she had a hard long delever it has ripped her open knw she can't hold anything and leaks all the time.




  1. ...what's the question?

  2. Internet connection is a lot cheaper than surgery! (the person who posted first)

    Things will in time get better, but not necessarly completely better. The only thing you may want to try is calling around doctors to see if there is anything that can be done that you can afford.

    Good luck.

  3. You can't afford surgery but you can afford an internet connection?

  4. no matter what the delivery was like its not uncommon to have "leaky" problems so don't feel it was because of the doctors.  The doctor told me to do pelvic floor exercises a few times every day (squeezing like you're holding in wee for as long as possible, then relaxing again ... do this 10 times) a lot to make the muscles strong again.

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