Ok, Help. I've been married for 3 years approx. My wife is Mexican (and really hot) and I lived in Southern Mexico with her for years. Where she is from the weather is really pretty nice, so they don't use A/C or Heat anywhere because it's not necessary most of the time.
But I'm from Colorado and well, I like it COLD!!! My ideal sleeping environment is having the room nice n' cool but with lots of blankets. She won't use A/C only in Extreme circumstances. I can usually deal with it but at bedtime it can cause us some real problems and sometimes we end up sleeping separately.. mostly because of this issue.
In the past she has let me put a fan on only me to where it doesn't blow on her, but this isn't very frequent. Where she is from they treat the 'cold' as though it were some kind of monster that will eat you in the night. What would be the best way to deal with this in the long term!?!