
Wife is having constant nightmares

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this has been going on for almost 3 weeks. everytime she goes to sleep she has nightmares. so obviously she hasnt gotten much sleep and it makes me worried,

has anyone else had this happen?

an idea why this is going on? she is clueless as to why also : /




  1.  This is the real Eyitemi Taire and I never wrote the post about demons above. Never even heard of this website before. Please can you remove this.

  2. Is she eating before bed?

    Spicy or Foods high in caffeine in the evening hours?

  3. May sound rather unusual but there are a few things she can try:

    1. Sage and bless the entire house paying particular attention to the bedroom she is sleeping in.

    2. If she has favorite crystals have her put them on her bedside table-the crystals will absorb the bad energy.

    3. Play a relaxation CD when she is ready to go to bed or sounds she may enjoy, I like to listen to the ocean and she may also.

    4. Drink either warm milk or chamomile tea to help her relax.

    5. Take a hot bath with lavendar essential oil in the water.

    6. Have her check out various herbal supplements that do help with sleep for example: Passion flower, St. Johns Wort, Peppermint, Valerian.

    7. If all of these fail then I would also suggest she speak to her doctor it might be something else that is unaware of healthwise.

  4. Is she on medication?  Cause I started a medication and it gives me really vivid, sometimes frightening dreams.  

  5. Some meds can cause that

  6. Could be night terrors:

    Does she also feel paralysed in her something terrible is going to happen but she is paralysed and can't get away? Then maybe it's sleep paralysis:

  7. This is usually caused by a unsolved problem or a secret or mischeif being hidden which gives horrific images to the mind and effects the body in a unstable proposition of Sleeporous.

  8. Pray the word of God over her plead the blood of the lamb over her life and yours too.  Psalm 91 read it aloud together before you rest.  Its probably demons attacking you guys.

  9. Google "what causes nightmares" and look for a cause that sounds familiar.  Then deal with the cause.

  10. Is she on medication? Some sort of food that she has been eating lately? What's changed about her in the last 3 wks?

  11. The first issue that I would suggest investigating, is if she might have any Post traumatic stress disorder.  Do the nightmares have a common theme?  Is there any basis of real-life events in them?

    Another issue that comes to mind (my boyfriend who has some depression, cannot take any SSRI's because they always cause him to have massive amounts of terrible nightmares), is it possible that she has started anti-depressants or any other medication that might have that as a side-effect?

  12. Something must be going on that is stressing her out, especially if the nightmares are about different things. Just see if you can talk to her to see what she is stressing about. That may help

  13. the answer depends on the dream, she has to try to confront the problem in her dream state and make it go away,  For example I was having a nightmare that a man was chasing me trying to kill me and i realized in my dream that i was dreaming so i turned around to chase him off and he ran away and i never had that nightmare again.

  14. Aw, thats sad.  If I were you, I'd look for a site that translates symbols in dreams.  Sometimes when you have nightmares alot, it means your sub-conciousness is trying to tell you something important. If she finds out what she needs to know, with hope her nightmares will go away.

    Good luck!  

  15. This seems just like me!

    I actually for the past month have had horrible horrible nightmares as well. I finally told my boyfriend, he was like it's normal, the awful thoughts you have tend to over think them again and again. So tell her just relax think positive and seriously they will go away, it will take time trust me!


  16. she's probably having an affair

  17. put a hidden cam to see what goes on at night,

    dont tell NO ONE you have it do,

  18. I'd say just be there to listen to her an support her. Maybe she should look into seeing if something been stressing her out, or if she's been doing something different before bed or eating many things can cause them. Suggest that maybe she reads something calming or does something calming before bed maybe, like a warm bath, to relax and try to only think pleasant thoughts before bed if possible.

    I don't have nightmares every night, but I get them quite often, it just might be a thing.

    I would say that stress could be a definite possibility here.

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