
Wife is sick while pregnant?

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My wife is three months and has been sick throughout the pregnancy so far. The doctor said that some woman "just have" this problem throughout the first trimester. Have any of you woman dealt with this problem.

By sick...I mean...She wakes up sick, goes to work sick, comes home sick, and goes to sleep sick. She has only thrown up about three or four times though. (I think she just really likes me waiting on her hand and foot) Jokes....i lover her




  1. It is very normal I am 29 weeks and still get sick off and on. It should at least ease up for her. But sometimes it can last through out the whole pregnancy. good luck and congrats!

  2. Poor her, i'm 9 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the same since around week 4. i don't actually throw up that much but just feel sick and it makes you want to just curl up into a ball and stay in bed lolz. i told my doc and he said that it's a part of pregnancy and he can't do anything about it. :(

  3. im the same sick all day. im in my first trimester

  4. I've been really blessed with my pregnancies so far.  My second one, I did have nausea week 6-12.  It was almost like the flip of a switch when it started and stopped.  But some women are not so fortunate.  A friend of mine who has three children, threw up multiple times a day throughout her entire pregnancy with all three kiddos.  She used to joke with each pregnancy that she must be having another healthy baby because she's sick again.  It's all worth it!

  5. With my first pregnancy, I was sick all day every day for the first 6 months, but I threw up more than once every day. I know how she feels, and its miserable. Tell her to hang in there, and the baby will be worth all the sickness! By the way, congrats!

  6. im 3 months along w my second baby and i've been super sick as well but i had a hard time keeping anything down. the doc prescribed me reglan for nausea and vomiting and it really helped.. make sure she eats every few hrs and surprisingly milk helped curb the nauseous feeling a lot. good luck:)

  7. That was the most aggravating thing so far in my pregnancy. I would be really sick all day on most of the days and feel good rarely. It started getting better for me around 7 months, but I still have bad days, and today was my due date.  

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