As the title states; my wife just recently interviewed for a full time elementary school position where she was a long term sub for someone who ended up not coming back. She taught for this past entire school year and then from the end of October through the rest of the previous school year as well. Once the other women resigned she was told many times not to worry that the job was basically hers. Well fast forward a bit, my wife is pregnant (due in a couple weeks) and a new guy comes in the picture who wants a job at the school too. Everyone knows this guy because he went to school there so we start to get worried.
Anyway, long story short, my wife just found out today that they gave him the job and the sad excuse that they gave was that he had a choral background versus my wife's instrumental background. I perosonally think they hired him because they know him and possibly because my wife is pregnant and would want the first month or so off. Is there anything we can do?