
Wife pregnant can she be added to my medical insurance thru my job?

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at my job i got kaiser permanente insurance....shes 6 weeks along the pregnancy .....i don't want here Thur medi-cal ...ill rather have here Thur kaiser.....can she still be added???




  1. Don't ask us -- ask your HR department at work.  Policies vary.

  2. Not until open enrollment.

  3. defends on what policy's your company has, you will have to ask the boss

  4. If you have group insurance thru your employer,, then yes. but only under certain conditions..

    Enrollment time

    YOu are a new employee

    or you just married her.

    also for the correct 100% check with your Human Resources department.


  5. Ask your Company's Employees Benefits Department for more details and procedures.

    Review your KP Group insurance coverage booklet for detailed policy guidelines.

  6. If you just married (within the last 30 days) you should be able to add her. If it's been longer than that, you will have to wait until Open Enrollment. Group insurance policies cannot consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition, by federal law.

  7. Yes she can! I did that with mine and he got me on fairly quick. Talk to your human resources department. just had my daughter in march. Congratulations & Good luck.  

  8. Since you have already been married, you will probably have to wait until open season to change your policy and add her.  Also, since she is already pregnant, it is likely that Kaiser will consider that a pre-existing condition and not cover her pregnancy.  Check with your HR department for eligibility and with your Kaiser Help Line for coverage of existing pregnancy.

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