
Wife tricked me into renewing our wedding vows by tricking me saying shes pregnant??

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Okay so me and my wife are having trouble I told her to get out of my house once and gave her, her bag. Then she called me telling me she wanted to talk so I agreed. Then she told me that she wanted to renew our wedding vows and I said no, then I started bitching at her, then she starts crying. Then I started walking away then shes like NO, I WANT TO BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT. Then I got really happy and started hugging her and swinging her around and kissing her, and stuff. Then about 2 days ago she got a sonogram or whatever its called and we met with the doctor and he asked if we wanted to see and picture and we did whatever, blah, blah, blah.

And today my mother in-law sent me a fed ex package, and it had a video tape in it. And I called her and she told me to put it in and watch it while still talking to her. Then shes like that guy is not a doctor, he's an actor, and I was Completely Shocked, and Pissed.

Tomorrow me and my wife are renewing our vows. Well at this point I know shes not prego, and shes acting like I dont know ****. I really dont want to go through with it.

What should I do, trash the wedding set? When i'm telling her my vows tell her shes a know good lying *****?

What should I do, what would you do?




  1. She tricked you because she still wants to be with you and have your love, at all costs.

  2. what?  So the "fake" doctor had a sonogram machine lying around? Did you go to a clinc to meet him or did you meet at Starbucks?

    that would be really hard to fake.  You can't rent a sonogram machine and I'm betting neither your wife nor an actor who has the time to do this would be able to afford one.

    what was on the video, anyway?  The guy acting in something?  Maybe he's a doctor and he likes acting so he get parts when he can?  Steven Carrell was in law school.  There's a famous surfer from the 60s who gave up being a doctor to surf full time.  Why do you believe your MIL over your wife?

    If there is some way in which what your MIL is saying is true, though, you can't go through with it.  You could be excited about her taking a pregnancy test (for the scrapbook, you can tell her) in the morning and then you'll know for sure.  If she lied, then she deserves to get jilted tomorrow.

    Remember, though, that renewal or not, you've already taken the vows.  IF you don't renew them doesn't mean that you are not married to her already.

    Good luck.

  3. first go out and buy a pregnancy test before the ceromony hand it to her and say i want to see the lines. then leave her.

  4. u should bring her to a real doctor, its messed up that she would lie about something like that in the first place, either way i would NOT renew my vows with someone who is so psycho to hire an actor to try and trap u in a relationship. entrapment is never a good thing.

  5. Oh my, you have a lot of free time don't you?

  6. Put the vows on hold. Contact the "doctor" yourself and verify he's real. If he's not, then serve her divorce papers.

  7. You should bring her to a real doctor and get it all taken care of right then and there.

    And also,  think about what kind of life the baby would have in a relationship like that.

    And if you don't want to renew your vows, then don't. It's all up to you.

    I know I wouldn't.

  8. So if she faked her pregnancy, and faked the doctor, maybe she was faking her orgasms too?!?

    You are already married to her.

    So if you go through with the ceremony, it's not like a union contract where you have to stay married for another 10 years.

  9. an actor? were you not at the appointment with her becuase it sounds to me liek you to suppose an actor was able to convince a physician to let him rent out his office and have free use of equipment that costs thousands and thousands of dollars and takes an education to operate? on top of that this guy was able to make it look as if there was a fetus inside of your wifes uterus, wow, this guy sounds good, and you sound like a moron

  10. Why would you want to bring a child into a dis-functional relationship? The renewal of the wedding vows sounds like the least of your problems. See a marriage counselor or get a divorce.

  11. Well, I certainly wouldn't renew my wedding vows! In fact, I wouldn't show up or call.

    However, I would set up an appointment with a divorce attorney.

  12. first off, you put her out of what you say was your house when you both were married and possibly both paying bills there. next you say you she tricked you and then you said no when she wanted to renew you wedding vows, when she said she was pregnant, you kissed, hugged and swing her arround? this sounds so stupid! if you cant stand your wife,but you were going to renew your vows with her because of a baby then what make you think that you were going to get along with her after renewing your vows? why could you just decide to pay child support like every other forced father and avoid renewing you wedding vows with this woman? if you asked me you are the screwed one not her!

  13. ok, so here is what you do...... go hire a fake clergyman to remarry you guys. tell her you want to renew your vows but you want this guy to do it, he is a special friend of the family. then after the vows are all new and whatever..... ask her if this is what she wanted, im sure she will say yes.... then say well i really wanted a baby. you faked the doctor and i faked the preacher.... so i guess we are about even. and tell her to hit the bricks sweetheart.

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