
Wife tripped and fell into a table what should she have said?

by  |  earlier

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It was at a fine dining restaurant and the couple was indignant and expected me to pay not only for their bill but drycleaning as well . It cost for over 1000$ My wife only said sorry.




  1. "Thanks for helping me, you jerks."

  2. Bond..... James Bond!

  3. They are the ones who should have asked her if she was okay. The restaurant could have waived the check for them and even taken care of the dry cleaning if they'd asked their waiter. It's not like she fell on purpose. There is no way she should have been expected to pay anything to this other couple. Accidents happen.

  4. don't pay for it. they should have been more concerned about whether your wife was okay. what a bunch of jerks...

  5. that's all your wife needed to was an accident...The restaurant should be paying the bill for the other couple...don't pay!!!

  6. Ouch!

    And then she'll pay for the stuff.

  7. She should've said, "F*ck you. Your table was in my way."

  8. I think sorry should have been enough, unless she was doing something like spinning or flailing around or something before she tripped, than it was an accident and accidents happen, obviously she wouldn't have done it on purpose.  Sorry seems acceptable to me.

  9. Your wife should have said.. and I didn't really ask for ketchup on my new dress either..  x*x

  10. An apology was all that was neccessary - the other couple was very rude - and clearly looking for an excuse to have others pay for their stuff.

    Wouldn't have mattered what she said - they'd have been that rude anyway.

  11. She could have said manythings, most unprintable. What did she trip on? It could have been the responsibility of the restaurant .You did a noble thing in paying for those things, but $1000.00 bucks? That may have been overboard.What more could she say, it was embarrassing enough to have it happen. Give her a break.

  12. The establishment should have picked up the tab for the dry cleaning and dinner...accidents happen. "I'm sorry" is sufficient.

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