I'm embarrassed to talk with anyone outside my family about this so please be gentle. Been married for 14 yrs to a beautiful Loving woman. we have 4 kids together and we have had our share of problems, nothing major just lots of little things.
About 3 years ago she made friends with my sis in law. EVERY THING CHANGED. we went from mostly happy to mostly mad at each other. Now this was me being mad mostly. It was like I lost my friend, I know that sounds selfish but really since then I am so lonely. she used to unload her days emotions/ frustrations/happyness Whatever was on her mind to me every day. sometimes I would wish she wouldn't but I felt king of my domain when I would here her out.
Now she has 3 more friends she talks to daily (all are divorced) now lately I find little "clues" every where I look like secret computer post about how awesome this guy is and things she would do to him, on and on. She says its just girl talk, but when your husband reads it it's very F#$@&*hurtfulll. I think she just doesn't care what I think or she is very close to leaving me. now I'm sitting home insted of working because I cannot Functionn at work, and to her this whole thing is no big deal. I really have had enough of this mental abuse. I just dont know what to do. any advise would help