
Wife walked saw me kissing girlfriend. What dish will I be after wife puts me through meat grinder?

by  |  earlier

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didn't mean to write "walked"




  1. Dog food.

  2. Mincemeat or deadmeat!!!

  3. I'd say chopped liver.  Sounds like you're handling it with a sense of humor.  I guess that means your nads aren't in the blender yet...

  4. meatloaf

  5. I hope this is just a joke, otherwise I wish something bad on you. It's not funny to cheat on your wife. I'll assume you're just trying to be humorous, and say that she's going to make you into Jerk sauce.

  6. u idiot. lets hope she makes u minced meat. men like u r scum...

  7. Dogpattie (watch Movie to see what it looks like)

    Review from "Time Out Chicago"

    Originally titled Election 2 (better to call it Re-Election?), Triad Election is the more resonant of the two. Bucking tradition, Wo Sing triad chairman Lok (Lam) wants a second term, but his businessman rival (Koo) wants the clan to go semilegit. A Wo Sing elder is pushed down a stairway and another is ground up and fed to dogs, but the movie’s most powerful component is political. After lavishing so much love on the rituals of Hong Kong gangsters, Triad Election finally finds those traditions usurped by the Chinese police.

  8. Dead meat.

  9. Haggis!

  10. It wont be a nice one i can tell you that! Perhaps dog food. You suck.

  11. stuffed cabbage

  12. Regardless of how your ground and prepared'll still be an *** hole.

  13. Shepherds Pie!!!!

  14. soylent green HA

  15. MEATBALL STEW!...served with cold comfort

  16. i'd say meatloaf, they could put anything in there and it would still taste delicious.

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