
Wife was searching for my ex-gf on Google? Is this a trust thing?

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So she tried to delete the history but forgot to delete the Google search history. What gives? Does she think I am cheating or something? I love her more than anything and have been faithful and trustworthy ever since I met her. She always seems to have some kind of trust issues. Is that what this is? What do I make of this and what do I say? I'm not mad or anything I just want to know what is going on here. I know she hates her and does not even know her so it is not like she is looking for friendship. When I say I saw your google searches it will seem like I was snooping but it was by accident. I'm confused so what do I do? If I just ask her she will not tell me anything I'm sure. I plan on asking her anyways (at the risk of causing a fight). What do you think?




  1. Most likely trying to compare herself to her.  I wouldn't mention it just make her feel that you love her and only her!  Hopefully her trust issues will go away!

  2. if you did not want her to snoop give me a call i will tell you why i did it ,the wife  

  3. I am also in a relationship and am getting ready to get married.  I just want to say that looking up ur partner's past love's on google is just a curious reaction, whether they like them or not....I used to do it to my fiancée all the time. It's normal...but you'll probly have to work the whole thing out about her hating ur ex....Just try to explain to her that it's in the past, and ur with her now....she shouldn't hate someone for dating you a while back...ask her if she'd get mad if you hated her ex, just because he dated you..

  4. uhm, SHE was the one snooping and sneaking, not you.

    She seems to be a jealous person. I've googled my hubby's ex just to know more about her. maybe curiousity. like i've seem pics but I was wondering if there was anythign else.  

  5. I wouldn't bring it up.  I've looked up my husband's ex plenty of times, but it's more to see how she's doing (and if I'm doing and looking better). It's a lame comparison thing some of us girls do, not really a trust issue.    

  6. Leave it alone, maybe she was just curious about her.

  7. Hey look, I have searched for my BF's ex too, out of curiosity, not because I didn't trust him. He was with her for 7 years and I just wanted to know what she was all about. I think most women are instinctually curious and competitive when it comes to other women (some are catty). I wouldn't worry about it and I would ask her about it. She snooped not you, ask her and re-assure her. OR just re-assure her without saying anything "sneak some comments in about how she is better than your ex or something"....

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