
Wigi boards?

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I want to hear some Wigi board stories! Please tell them!




  1. If you mean Ouiji board (which i'm sure you do) then my story is this:

    One time me and my brother and my cousins were in my cousins' basement using an old Ouiji board which belonged to my Grandmother. We asked it if something bad was going to ahppen that night. It said "yes." My brother didn't beleive it but a moment later the leg on his chair broke and he fell. We put the board away and my brother and I havent used one since

  2. Well i started using ouija boards very recently and i have two stories to share. I GUARANTEE you that these are both 100% accurate.

    Just thought that Id clarify first that im fifteen, and i do have better things to do than post fake stories on the net for miss 'smart,sweet and s**y':p ..theyre real

    So i make my boards really quickly.Chart paper, letters, numbers,Yes,no,goodbye, a smooth bottlecap and we're set to go.

    1. First one is this. We go into the school auditorium (snuck in) and went behind the curtains. We were 5 guys. Sat down. As each one of us touched the cap, the locker behind us banged hard. that freaked us out. there was no way anyone else could have been there. but we continued. Spirit was 'Dorf' and pretty active. He predicted my school result dead on ..some 2 months before the result..every single subject was right. All of a sudden, the doors open. We run and hide behind this sort of cupboard. We hear a woman and a man talking. Now the light switch is right behind us. They talk a few minutes. we stay hiding out of fear of getting caught. They leave. But before leaving, they turn out the lights. The switch was right behind us. we saw no one. So we creep out towards the doors. Theyre all locked from the inside.

    2. We call this old woman called elizabeth...ask her to show herself. She spells out "turn lights out'. We do so. For a moment, nothing. And then my friend literally screams like a chick and then faints. Right at the end of the room was this mirror. and in that mirror, we saw the pale face of an old woman...scary **** man.

  3. wigi boards are soo stupid.
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