
Wii Game Recommendations?

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I like First Person Shooters,Action Games,and Adventure Games,I like them to also be multi-player but they don't have to be.They Don't have to be out yet.Easy 10 points.




  1. I'd say 2 must get FPS games are:

    1) Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

    2) Medal of Honor Heroes 2. The online multiplayer is a huge plus.

    Other games to consider:

    -Call of Duty 3. Good game as well, but if you're tight on budget, I'd say Medal of Honor is a better buy.

    For multiplayers and light shooting:

    -I'd say give Red Steel a try. It's not too bad for playing with friends. Single player is passable.

    - Ghost Squad is really not worth it. There's only 3 campaigns. After that everything pretty much repeats itself.

    -House of the Dead 2 &3 is pretty fun for playing with a partner. Good for times when you just want mindless shooting fun. I'd say rent the game first and see if it's to your liking. And it gets really frustrating collecting credits, so a little cheating wouldn't hurt.

    For Adventure/Action games:

    -Bully: scholarship edition. This is actually pretty interesting, but it's a matter of taste. I'd say Rockstar games are pretty good at what they do though.

    -Resident evil 4. Horror games aren't my thing, so I gave up after an hour. But I have to say it's a great game for those who like that genre.

    -No more Heroes. If you love slashing and blood, this is the game for you. I thought the controls got painfully tiring after a while.

    -Trauma Centre: New Blood. You operate on patients, doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but it's actually pretty interesting. the co-op mode is great since you get to work together with a friend. Accidentally killing patients a few times with a friend could be ... interesting.

    -Zack and Wiki:Quest for Barbaros treasures. Fully utilizes the wii mote and if you like solving puzzles, this is fun. It's very innocent in terms of graphics and gameplay, not for players who're into darker stuffs.

    and as usual, you wouldn't go wrong with the highly rated Okami, Super Smash bros brawl, Super Mario Galaxy and Boom blox

  2. For all three, I would recommend Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I have played it, and it was a great game. Some other games you may like include MoH, SSBB, and Battalion Wars 2. Also, in case you don't already have it, you could get The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

  3. One of my favorite games is mario kart wii. it it so much fun! my sims is one my favorite games too. need for speed is fun too.  

  4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock

    Mario Kart Wii


    Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

    Resident Evil 4

    Boom Blox

    Some good games coming out this year/next year:

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which is coming out September 16

    Guitar Hero: World Tour, which is coming out October 26

    Call of Duty: World at War, which is coming out November 11

    Animal Crossing: City Folk, which is coming out November 16

    de Blob, which is coming out September 16

    The Conduit, which is coming out sometime early next year

    MadWorld, which is coming out sometime early next year

  5. I'm a big fan of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. It has a lot of different characters from popular video games like Mario, Bowsher, Sonic, Fox, Kirby, etc. that you pick from to fight against others. There is a way to play one player, and you can also brawl against friends. I'd definitely reccommend it! :)

  6. Zelda twilight princess is really the only wii game because smash bros is ok in multiplayer but story mode sucks and gets annoying and in terms of FPS the wii isnt made for that and other consoles have better shooters

  7. The two must-have games on the Wii are Zelda: Twilight Princess (a great adventure game) and Mario Kart Wii (a really fun racing game).

    As for shooters, theres always Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, and Battalion Wars 2.

    Other good games are:

    Mario Strikers Charged

    Boom Blox

    Ghost Squad

    House of the Dead 2 & 3

    No More Heroes

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