
Wii?? Help?? PLEASE?

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I asked this a few minutes ago but here go's

for my birthday im getting a wii bundle a few games and stuff do i need?

a sports pack

a memory card

another wiimote

another nunchuck (or both together)

a points cards


or what do i need??




  1. No you don't need the sports pack

    You don't need a memory card because you can save games to your console but it might me a good idear to get one in case you run on of room on your Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo Wii uses SD cards to save games on which you can get from 2 for £8.99

    If you want to play 2 player games then yes it might be a good idear to get another wii remote and nunchuck. But with some games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros Brawl you can use a GameCube remote so its dependes if you want to play with friends and what games you want to play.

    You only need a points cards if you want to download games from the Internet.

  2. I'd say get wii play, not a great game but you do get a free wiimote with it, plus it helps you get used to the controller, a wii points card is also highly recommended as there is tons of download-able games available for the wii, and I would say a classic controller to play the downloads would be a good idea and possibly another nunchuk too, though a lot of games wont need it, I'd be wary of bundles though they tend to include a few games that the shop where unable to sell, due to them being absolute rubbish.

  3. The only thing you will need are some games and extra controllers and only get extra nunchucks if the game requires them.

    As for the;

    Sports Pack - Don't need it, it's just useless plastic

    Memory Card - Wii has 512MB built in, enough for any game saves.

    Point Cards - All you can mainly buy are Virtual Console games and they  are c**p, so do no't waste money.

    I recommend 3 games, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl.

    Oh yeah, try and buy some old Gamecube Controllers and games as they are still compatible with the Wii. So buy old GC Stuff up.

  4. thats all u need.but to use the points card u will need an internet r the best wii games i know

    1.Guitar Hero 3

    2.Mario Kart Wii

    3.Smash Bros. Brawl

    4.Legend Of Zelda:Twilight Princess

    5. Super Mario Galaxy

    those game r freakin awesome.Legend Of Zelda:Twilight Princess is amazing!!!!!
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