
Wii - ?The Glorified Paper Weight?

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I am fortunate to have enough disposable income to own a Wii and PS3. I am interested in doing a quick poll. For those who own a Wii and PS3 or those who own a Wii and Xbox how many of you have found your Wii to become a glorified paper weight since purchasing your alternate gaming system (PS3 or Xbox)? I feel as if I have been neglecting my Wii /lol and interested if anybody has experienced the same. For me it comes down to.."hmm should I play wii bowling or GTA 4" and usually GTA 4 wins. Though using my Wii mote to car jack someone would be awesome but that happening is up to Rockstar I guess.




  1. Until the Wii strays a bit from the party games this will continue to be the case.

    Although, as long as you have 4 controllers and chucks it is great entertainment for guests. ^_^

  2. If you're coming down to "Wii Bowling vs GTA 4", you really need to buy more Wii games. There are many Wii games I'd choose over GTA 4.

    FYI, drunk Warioware and drunk Super Smash Bros are very fun as well.


  3. Sadly, I agree.  I play Wii games for a few days, and then grow bored with them, and go back to my 360.  Though I have all three systems, even my PS3 gets no play other than as a Blu Ray player.

    Mostly, I just play 360...  but even then, it's really because I play Rock Band all the time with my girlfriend.  It's the only game she'll play without wanting to do something, ANYTHING, else, and therefore I play it a lot more.

    As for the use of my Wii, before the Strong Bad game came out, the last time I played it was the week that Mario Kart came out.  And before that, the week Harvey Birdman came out.  So in the end, my Wii has been sitting around.

    But for your personal knowledge, Rockstar announced a Wii-only GTA title coming out...  GTA: Chinatown Wars.  So carjacking with your Wiimote can possibly happen!  :)

  4. not exactly, I hate my wii, but I also hate your 360 and Ps3.

    I really like the handheld systems like DS and I also like game cube, but wii is a Piece of Sh*t when it comes to quality and so is the 360.  

  5. Ever since I bought my Xbox 360 in September '07, the Wii has pretty much been a paperweight. Although, it had pretty much already become one and that's why I bought a 360.  I have to admit, Brawl did keep me occupied for a while. Too bad nobody can seem to make a decent amount of good games for the Wii, unlike the Xbox 360, which has more than you can count.

  6. I have all three consoles thanks to birthdays and Christmas along with patience and enough games to boot on each console. However I think that each console is unique. The PS3 is just amazing with it's Blu-Ray player and processing technology. The Xbox with it's Xbox live content with being able to download my favorite seasons. mot to mention the networking capability on both to link to my PC. there are so many pro's to each console. With the Wii you have not much improvement on graphics however plaing a game is fun with this new technology I have a blast on it even with the laughable graphics. I love playing Zelda and many other games and even the sport kept my swing good for summer baseball. I think all the consoles have there own unique way of appealing to gamers. the Advantage the Wii has is it's cost, Family orientation to the consumer and the hardcore Nintendo fans.  

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