
Wii Version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed...?

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Is the Wii version of the Force Unleashed pretty much the same as the other next gen consoles, or is it a totally different game. The storyline, action, all the same or different???




  1. The game has the exact same story line and gameplay, but the Wii version allows you to use the Wii remote as your light saber and the nun chuck to control your force powers. There are also 3 additional levels, and there is a 2-player duel mode. It features 9 different arenas and 27 or more Jedi/Sith characters to play as. Probably the biggest difference is the fact that it doesn't run on the same engine as the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions have excellent graphics, and they have life-like physics and and AI. Wood actually splinters like it would in the real world, metal dents, and glass shatters. There is an obvious difference in the graphics, but the Wii version still has pretty impressive graphics. It should be a great game. The company developing the Wii version wanted to make it up to the people that didn't have PS3 or Xbox 360, so they added the cool controls and duel mode. So far reviews have been really positive. They say that the controls work great, and the duel mode could be in a game of its own.

  2. The only changes I know are the addition of three new levels exclusive to the Wii version and a duel mode.

    Everything else is the same (save for graphics, of course).

    Should be a good game.

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