
Wii fit success stories?

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just want to hear some successful weight loss stories on the wii fit, and how did you find it, we got one yesterday, so far i've found it fun but not amused with what it said about my weight lol




  1. i dont like the noise it makes when u step on it lol

    i lost a few pounds on it in the couple weeks ive used it. if u keep at it and do all the exercises then it can work,

    i like putting it on the stepping one and then putting a tv channel on watch a programme for half hour then turn it back on to the wii, then doing some other exercises.

    good luck

  2. I haven't lost a pound, but I played for a week before I was in a car accident and the nurses said the muscle mass I built in just that week helped my recovery drastically.  It also helped with the physical therapy afterwards, and I consider that a success story even if I haven't lost weight.

    My friend in Japan has had his since it came out over there, and he'd lost 11 pounds when I talked to him last.  He'd never been one for working out, so I was shocked.

    I find the game politely insulting at all times, and it thinks I'm a normal weight!  The scale readings, at least, should be "accurate" even if the BMI is ridiculous.  If they aren't, and you're playing on carpet, make sure you snap the carpet adapters on the bottom.  The wii fit insulting "Do you find yourself tripping when you walk?" used to be maddening, but I got used to it.  It thinks my tall athletic roommate is overweight, though!

    As for watching TV while you play, I think there's two games that works for.  If you do the basic step often enough, you'll unlock advanced.  Perform advanced step often enough, and you'll unlock free step.  Free step has a metronome sound that plays in the controller speaker so you can switch your TV to any input you want and mindlessly step, step, step at a pace and duration you choose.  I believe that the running activity may also be performed without watching just by changing the input and listening for sound clues in your wiimote speaker, but I'm not 100% on that.

  3. we have a wii fit and its made us all a lot more active and it isnt that accurate with the weight thing so dont pay too much attention to that lol

  4. got it the day it came out, lost like 10 lbs the scale regardless of what people have said is fairly accurate. its alot of fun and makes you sweat! i unlocked the 30 min jog and omg i was beat at the end of that lol. have fun!

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