
Wii miis help.......?

by  |  earlier

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ok so is there anyway to have my miis hair pink and crazy stuff like that? like are there any cheats or things to unlock?




  1. Nope - what you see, is what you get with the Mii tools.

  2. No just what's already there.

  3. in the mii game u have to make a home for this girl who does hair and then do quests for her well until u make her a salon chair at least then after u make the the chair for her u can change ur hair and color there is not cheats for tht game uggh i wish but u have to keep doing quest for other people until u get her so..

  4. No, Nintendo hasn't put out any new updates like that...yet.

    I hope they do and there is always hope but for now, what you see is what you get.

    You can do some things like eyebrows turned diagonally to look like horns and stuff like that.

    Check the Check Mii out channel to see other cool ideas.

  5. you can, but they won't be usable on your Wii any more. you can import the wii to your wiimote and transfer to your comp over bluetooth, then use various programs to make gold pants and crazy hair and such.
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