
Wii owners click here!?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so everyone go to the following site then come back here and tell me what you think. plz don't forget to come back here! :( plz............


(don't forget to check the posts that people posted in there ok? check mine out is the very last on so far it should say posted by Mario Zavala)





  1. Interesting although Nintendo should of made a head set...

  2. My hopes were really high on a head set but it didn't happen and we just got a Wiispeak. : ( O'well maybe some third part developer will make a head set like they did a wii remote charger.

  3. amazing

  4. that is no  question this is question;... please please please awnser

  5. really...

  6. What is the question? How is "Wii owners click here!?!?!" a question?

  7. i think it's great that nintendo is getting voice chat and i'm also glad its different than ps3's and xbox's, so its something new. but picking up everything in the room would be a distraction. and for not putting voice chat in games like kart and ssbb is complete bull sh+t on nintendo's part. nintendo needs to grow up and let people just talk over the wii. i mean its the parents job to monitor what there kids are playing and if they should have voice chat or not. at least have the option to turn voice chat on or off instead of completely throwing it away. when i was playing brawl, those 4 text blurbs were c**p. i kept wanting to say something to my friend but i couldn't because of no f+cking voice chat. and the fact that ssbb is rated teen so that most people who are playing it are probably in high school already probably hear words like f+ck everyday of our lives, like me. now yes nintendo is the most affordable console, well it appears to be. but there is a hidden truth in the wii. you need to constantly buy more and more accesories. i need to buy a classic controller for games like ssbb and virtual console games. buy a wii zapper for shooting games (biggest waste of money). buy this wii speak to talk to friends on SOME games. buy extra wii remotes, nunchucks, and possibily more classic controlles. buy a wii charger. this stuff ads up. while the ps3 has everything built in and doesn't need any accessories except a blutooth headset. and the ps3 can play blu-ray discs while the wii still can't play standard dvd's. why does nintendo leave out this stuff. is it to make a better console, no. it's to make it cheaper to make a less expensive but worse console

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