
Wii sports??????????????

by  |  earlier

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what is it

is that the one included

boxing golf bowling ect

or something difrent




  1. it is the game disc included with the wii, it has tennis, baseball, golf, boxing, and bowling.

    It is fun, at first, but then gets boring after a while, especially if youre playing by yourself

  2. Wii sports is a collection of different sport themed games. Like Tennis, Baseball/softball, Boxing, golf, and bowling. Wii Sports comes with the wii (for the most part) and with the wii you get the Wii Mote (the actual controller) and 1 numchuck (which is what you would use for boxing. Its the one with the control stick). Also, you can take your wii fitness test, which see's how good you are in each sport, and points out different areas, like stamina i believe. Hope i helped!


  3. Yes it is the one that comes with the wii the bvowling boxing golf baseball and tennis

  4. Wii sports comes with the Wii when you buy it. and yes those are the games also including baseball and tennis.  

  5. Wii Sports is the game that comes with the Wii and is the game with the Sports. Wii Play is separate and comes with a Wii Remote.

  6. Wii Sports is one Wii video game disk that is included with the console (though you would have to check on the box just to make sure).

    It includes: tennis, baseball, golf, boxing and bowling.


    Yes, Wii Play is sold separately.

    Wii Play includes: one Wii Remote Controller, and one game disk that has different mini games such as ping pong, billiards, etc.

    Here is a product description/reviews from Amazon. They have more detailed information that might help you decide whether you want to purchase it or not.

    Hope this helps.

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