
Wii sports tennis aim/direction?

by  |  earlier

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how do i make the ball go where i want it to?

Whenever i swing the remote to hit the ball to the left/right/central, it always hits the ball at the opponent.... is there a certain way to hit the ball?




  1. The aim of your shots depends purely on the timing of when you hit the ball. The exact angle depends on whether you are playing right or left handed and whether you are hitting a backhand or a forehand shot. For example, if you are right-handed and you are hitting a forehand shot, if you hit the ball early it will 'hook' and aim to the player's left. If you hit the ball late (when it is close to your body), it will 'slice' and aim to the right. Experiment with all these combinations to see how they affect the aim of your shot.

    check out this website for more info on aiming, getting spin, etc.:

  2. Check that you have it setup for right/left handed play depending on what you need.

    When you hold it out to play a forehand, the buttons should be facing towards the screen. That is the "front" of the raquet.

    You can buy a cheap £4 plastic raquet to play with. My wife uses one I bought her and it has made a huge improvement to her play and she enjoys it much more too.

  3. if you wait to hit the ball late it goes to the right. If you curve your hand while you hit, you curve the ball somehow. If you hit early, you hit to the left. If you hit straight, as don't turn the wii remote, keep it straight then you will hit the ball straight. I just got pro in tennis. hopefully I explained it right.

  4. i just got a wee today with wee sports and have been playing tennis for the last 2 hours, keep practising with different swings till you get it, it doesn't take long to work it out. I love it. You sort of swing just like you do in physical tennis.

  5. If you hit the ball before it is level with the player then the ball will go left, level with the player go forward and behind the player to the right, and depending on how far in front/behind depends on how mush to the direction the ball will go.

    I'm guessing that the opposite for a left handed player.

  6. yeah, try turning the racket and yourself to hit it where you want to hit it- if you work out how to do rounders let me know because i cant for the life of me do it!

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