
Wikipedia is very successful. Will it not be worthwhile to launch a "WORLD CLASS" that teaches?

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Wikipedia is still an encylopedia. The next step is on- line classes for all subjects. With shortage of teaching skills worldwide, this will work wonders. Will it not be of great value if the success model of wikipedia is carried further into teaching, that is always on, but not live ?




  1. it's near impossible, because different countries adopts different subjects and at different level of classess.

    It also requires huge database which should not be editable like otherwise it may impact the students

  2. Wikipedia is the best tool, teaching REMOTE SENSING, at I.I.R.S. (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing), Dehradun, INDIA. It is the best Institute, training professionals, all over the world. It has been working, successfully, since 1967; starting from aerial photographs, Landsats and, now, our own imagery, from our own satellites. Now Wikipedia may use or used it, already. I DO NOT KNOW IT, PRESENTLY. I HAVE RETIRED IN 1996, ONLY !

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