
Wil bush make war in iran augaust 2008?

by Guest62318  |  earlier

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Wil bush make war in iran augaust 2008?




  1. Why would he?  At this point his main goal is to just fade away.  

  2. I don't think America will make war in Iran but I think Israel might before Bush leaves office because it appears that neither Obama or McCain are as strongly committed to Israel as Bush is.  As Iran's leader keeps threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and is building up its nuclear weapons to use against Israel.

  3. Someone asked Will bush make war on Iran in March

    Will bush make war on Iran in April




    Now we are in August most likely we will be asked in September, October, November and December them same words. We do not know we hope not but then again we hoped other things over the years that did not happen. knowing my luck he will go to war on the day I see my wife again and plunge us into a nuclear holacust. I sure don't practice them postive thoughts in that book the secret do I.  

  4. well i would say it would be a bad idea to start any war against any more muslim country as it will lead to tought issues of america with muslims.for muslims war on terror is war on islam and usa image in muslims countries,india,russia,china and most parts of asia is it will kill anyone if it gets a good benefit for it.usa image is now equal to bin ladin .the abuse of iraqi prisners,rapes of iraqi girls in iraq by usa troops, gutnama bay ,killings of young children,women by american troops .what else do we need?another iraq (iran),prepare for ww3 in other words...

  5. If he is not impeached, he very will may want to attack in order to enrich his buddies in the industrial - military - congressional complex. He will act even when it is to the determent to almost all Americans and Iranians.

    You can bet there will be yet again another false flag operation to justify the aggression against Iran.

  6. No it wont be in august of this year it will probably be right after the elections while he's still in power that is if Obama wins, if McCain wins he won't attack (he feels that McCain will procecute Iran correctly and will not feel the need) but if Obama wins you will see nuclear bombs go off. The US won't do the nuking but Isreal will be the fall guy for the US policy and the US will pick up he pieces with the military please don't underestimate this man

  7. No, Bush doesn't want history to remember him as the President who started yet another war, or the President who jacked America's economy by pushing oil prices up through the roof by destabilizing the Middle East. Bush will try to coast through the situation with Iran.

    If there is a war it will be started by McCain seeking to look tough during his first or second year in office. This is why I support Obama.

  8. I think the US will not attack Iran in August, but I believe if Iran does not comply with another sanction against them there will be a quick attack on them. I hope Israel can keep their cool and just wait.

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