
Wil my Series 2 Tivo work starting in Feb 2009 when every channel is required to be in HD format?

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I know starting in 2009, if your TV is not compatible for HD, then you can buy a converter to make it work with the HD channels which will be required starting in Feb. Is this the same for Tivo boxes. Right now I have an HD tv and I just use it with the normal cable that comes out of the wall (no box). I run my basic Tivo series 2 box on that TV and now with the conversion to HD i am afraid that my Tivo box won't work properly since it is not an HD tivo this the case?




  1. First of all, the switchover is from analog to digital - this doesn't necessarily mean HD.  (All HD channels are digital, but not all digital channels will be HD.)

    Second, the switchover only affects those who are using antennas or rabbit ears to receive over-the-air channels.  It does NOT affect anyone with a cable or satellite subscription.

    The switchover only changes the format used to broadcast TV  signals.

    So, your series 2 Tivo will continue to work with your cable service post Feb. 2009.

    That said, you may want to consider upgrading to a HD Tivo anyways, so you can record and watch those channels that are in HD from your cable system.  This will also require you add HD to your cable subscription, but it's usually only about $10-20/mo, and totally worth it.

  2. You have a misunderstanding about what's going to happen in Feb 2009.

    On 2/17/09 most analog over the air broadcasts will be shut down. That's the only change. There is no general change in cable or satellite service.

    If you had your Tivo connected to an antenna (assuming you have a single tuner version of the series 2), then you might have a problem. There is no technical reason why your Tivo couldn't control an over the air converter box however Tivo hasn't said whether they are going to update their software so this is possible.

    Since your Tivo is connected  to a cable system there isn't any change for you on 2/17/09.

    However, things will probably change for you sooner or later.

    Many cable companies are planning on doing away with their analog channels and going all digital. These are local changes; there is no national answer as to when or if this will occur to you.

    If this happens to you, you will need to use a cable box with your series 2 Tivo. Your Tivo came with something called an "IR blaster" that can be used to control most cable boxes.

    If your TV is a "HDTV" and not a "HD ready" TV, check to see if you have had it scan for digital cable channels. Some people have found that there are some digital channels included with their analog cable service.

    One more thing, the digital over the air broadcasts that are replacing analog ones are not all in "HD", nor are all digital cable channels in "HD".  

    What makes a TV signal "HD" is that it contains a lot more picture detail than non-HD ones. Likewise a HD TV is capabile of displaying that extra picture detail in a HD signal. Other than that there is nothing magical about "HD". If  you run a HDTV signal to or through a non-HD device, the extra picture detail is just thown away and you are back to a DVD like quality analog picture.

    There are help forums on the Tivo web site that might be more helpful.

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