
Wild Green Frog????? PLZ HELP!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I live in windsor colorado. and we have all sorts of toads. and we have a whole bunch living in our window well. and we just left them live down there and they are happy. But when i went down there 2day about 30 minutes ago i saw this really weird green frog thing. i looked around on the internet and i think i is a green frog. i went down there to capture it in the cage the toads used to live in but i hoped under the wood siding of the window well.

how do i get it out?

do they need water to live?

what type of habbitat do they need?

what do they eat?

plz help

p.s. i have tried pouring water all over in the window well i have even put a bowl of water down there but he wount come out wat should i do?




  1.    Why not just leave the froggy alone and let him/her be happy?

  2. First ID it, here -

    Wild creatures don't need to be kept as pets.

    So let it live it's own life on it's own terms.

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