
Wild Rose Herbal Detox?

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im on my third day.

and i'm just wondering about peoples general experiences with it.

was it worth it? did it work? did you actually feel like a million bucks?

did you loose wieght? and did you gain it all back when you were done? etc.





  1. I cleanse and detox all the time with great success. The way I know when to detox is by how my energy levels are, how my digestive system is, and how my immune system is reacting. The detox you're doing sounds pretty good. I found a link for you that may help.

    It talks of a cookbook that goes with the cleanse. As for the pasta, if it says to avoid wheat or gluten, there are plenty of gluten free pastas on the market these days. Rice, quinoa, and corn pasta are great. I've also had pasta made with jerusalem artichoke flower that was really good.

    You can lose weight with cleansing and keep it off as long as you continue to watch what you eat. Keep your diet clean and those toxins won't accumulate as much. Also keep track of how you feel as you add foods back into your diet once you stop cleansing. Add one food at a time, about every 4-5 days and take note. If you feel bloated or just not right, or notice changes in your skin or bowels, then chances are you're body is sensitive to that food item and should be eliminated from your intake altogether to maintain optimum health. Certain foods (such as gluten) can 'gum' up your system making it harder for the body to do what it needs to do. Another common food that can 'gum' up your body is dairy. Ever notice how mucousy you get when you drink milk or eat ice cream? It has that same effect on the rest of your body as well.

    My husband recently discovered he has food sensitivities and has worked hard to eliminate the 'harmful' foods. His end result is his eczema cleared up, he stopped snoring (YAY! lol), and he dropped about 10lbs without trying. He is using supplements his doc (holistic MD) recommended to help balance and detox his system as well.

    You may feel sick at some point during the detox process, which can be normal. It's just a sign that all the toxins are being 'dislodged' and getting ready to be flushed out.  If you can tough through knowing that's what's happening you will really enjoy how much better you'll feel in the end when you're done with the cleanse. Just be sure to drink plenty of water.

    Good Luck to you and happy cleansing!

  2. I haven't tried that particular brand, but I have done cleanses/detoxes before. It was totally worth it for me, but the first 2 days or so were tough. After I was done, I just kept a good amount of fiber in my diet and I've stayed cleaner over time (so I don't need another cleaning), and that has been the best for me. I feel MUCH better for the fact that I'm not as bogged down, bloated, or gassy, plus I have more regular stools (which is much nicer than hard one time and liquid the next week).

    I didn't lose weight with it, but most of the weight that might be lost would be water weight or misc p**p unless you had a LOT of junk built up in your system. Unless it's just a buildup of junk in your system, you'll gain any weight lost back.

    Once you're done with the cleanse, I would definitely recommend adding more fiber to your diet (crackers, chips cereal, pasta, etc), and supplementing with probiotics would be good for regularity, too. Good luck!

  3. The claim that toxins build up in the body is false and no known treatments can increase the rate at which the liver removes toxins from the body.  This means that so called detox treatments are just placebos that waste your money.  So, I can answer for everyone right now.  No, it wasn't worth it.  No, it didn't work.  Yes, they will lose weight.  Yes, they will gain it all back because all that happen was they were dehydrated causing the weight loss.  Yes, they likely felt good, but it was all in their head.

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