
Wild conservation and success met?

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Wild conservation and success met?




  1. **Cocomojo....

    Do you use that response as a basis for all of your posts here in the Y!A "Environment" forum?

    Seems so.

    Are those even your words? Should you be using quotations and maybe sighting your source?

    One last thing.... and this concerns the poster or the post...

    What in h**l are you referencing? You gotta give a little more detail kiddo.

    Just curious.

  2. I am not very sure what your question means exactly.You could have given some explanation. I will, however, attempt to give you an answer in the light of my own guess/ understanding.

    By the time Western Science came to understand the importance and significance of protecting and conserving Nature and wilderness and the necessity of ecological equilibrium (balance), we - the so called civilized world - have based our lives on the basis of materialistic greed and ruthless and mercenary exploitation of natural resources without any repect or consideration that the Earth is a fragile ecosystem which can be utilised ONLY in a limited manner and with care and caution for our needs and not for our greed.

    Only recently have scientists  insisted the necessity of conservation and preservation of Nature and this has led to some efforts in some countries. Results are of varying degrees. For example, Project Tiger in India did not only save the Tiger but also the entire forest which housed and fed thousands of various animals including deer and elephant and also innumerable species of birds and snakes. Under the leadership of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, that project achieved remarkable success but today everything is in shambles. Since then, India's Prime Ministers have not bestowed attention on this but are busy making India a "superpower".

    Meanwhile, rivers, lakes, ponds and seas are polluted ! Bombs continue to be tested on land and in the seas ! Indiscriminate mining,deforestation, degradation and illegal occupation have reduced forest cover ... Poaching and hunting continue unabated. Tiger is ON THE VERGE OF EXTINCTION ... Success in conservation is far too few and have been the results of valiant, tireless and continued efforts of remarkable individuals while the governments of various countries continue to snore ... ! !    

    Forests and mountains provide seeds, air, water and medicine apart from climate to Man. Seas, ponds, lakes, rivers etc provide water and fish. We cannot survive without these gifts of Nature. We should soon realise that we cannot feed on computers or aeroplanes or survive on missiles, tanks and submarines. Otherwise, we too would  be pushed into extinction by the repurcussions of a stupid and arrogant style of living.

    Will we - the peoples of the world - ever wake up and put pressure on our governments to act immediately to save Nature ?

  3. Extremist groups share a common perception about the world. They are anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade, anti-globalization - not just free trade, but all trade.

    People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science."

    These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.

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