
Wild coyotes in park behind my house???

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I have a coyote problem in a park behind my house. See my place is over looking Lake Ontario. There's my backyard, the park, then a hill where the wildlife life and finally the lake. Thing is I have 3 dogs. I usually take them out in the park for a big run sometimes. But, every couple of months or so, I see the coyotes. Will they attack my dogs? Will they attack me? How do I get rid of them? Or scare them off?




  1. They won't attack you or your dogs when you are with them.  Don't let your dogs roam the park alone, though.  Even if you have large dogs, a fight with coyotes could result in an infected wound or rabies.

  2. They might attack a dog but more likely to leave if there are a bunch of you. More likely that they might be chased by the dogs and end up in a fight over that. They generally will not bother a person.  Coyotes live in most areas and are only occasionally a problem. If they pose a legitimate danger you might talk to your Fish & Wildlife office about your options. Generally what i'm getting from you is that you are not familiar with coyotes and therefore want them to go away.  The best resolution is for you to accept that you share your environment with other animals, not all of which are predictable and you should therefore be watchful but not scared and learn to live with them. After all, you live daily with the most dangerous animal on the planet but no one asks how to scare all the people away.

  3. they might attack o_O

  4. You see, this is a perfect example of how man is destroying the world and all the wildlife upon it.  

    Mans continuing overpopulation of this planet is not only using up all the natural resources, it is encroaching more and more into the habitats of the wild animals.  Home developers are continually building new homes more and more as they spread into the very lands previously occupied by a variety of wildlife.  This process pushes the animals away from these areas and into places already occupied by other animals of their same species.  A given piece of land can only support so many animals, so when more move in than it can handle, they start to get sick, starve, die, OR bleed off into the areas now occupied by mankind.

    These animals don't want to starve, so they naturally wonder onto land now filled with human homes, etc.  They raid garbage cans, and take up living under homes and in sheds.  More and more now we see wild animals around our homes, like Raccoons, Foxes, Coyotes, Skunks, Possums, Rattlesnakes, and even Bears and Mountain Lions.

    NOW, you want to get rid of the Coyotes.  The poor Coyotes have nowhere else to go.  Your house in now on the land they used to live and hunt on.  What are they supposed to do?  They only want to survive and not starve.  

    Coyotes will NOT attack you.  They could attack your dogs if they were small enough, but not when you're with them.  If you keep your dogs on leashes and walk with them, you're all perfectly safe.

    It is TRULY a SAD, sad situation.

    The only thing mankind can do, and if he doesn't do it, it will be the end of everything, is to STOP breeding like rats.  THINK, before you have 5 or 6 kids.  Think what you're doing to the world.

    Viagra is a curse, not a blessing.

  5. yes coyotes will kill dogs given the chance. I hope you have large strong dogs.

    BWANA is actually wrong Coyotes are not native to Eastern North America, they are one of the few species that are actually expanding their range, they used to be a Western Species only until the eradication of the Wolf in the lower 48 States which ruled the east

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