My sister found a wild mouse she said that his/her family was attacked by a cat.
We don't know if it is an adult or a baby but it is really small. He is only about the size of a cockroach, not including his tail. We are not sure what type of mouse he is but he is brown.
What do I feed him? Should I try bottle feeding with an eye dropper if he is a baby? The only problem is that he is so d**n fast! He accidently got out of his cage when we first got him home and ran around my sisters room, we got him back with little stress since we pushed him into a yatzee cup (the only thing we could find! lol) He has grown used to us a tiny little bit, we have cleaned his cage twice since we have got him and he knows to jump into the yatzee cup already when we present it to him which is awesome.
We have had him for a few days and we were so scared he would die because he was so stressed when we first got him.
If he is an adult we would be happy to put him back into the wild!