
Wild rat snake needs a bath?

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I found a rat snake (a Japanese rat snake called Ao Daisho) and fed it raw heated chicken very easily. I think I might hold onto it for a while and would like to rid it of any mites it may have. Is there something I can use that is readily available?

If you think chicken is bad for it or if you think my project is doomed to fail, I would be glad to listen.

It is in a large, secure tank that is lit in the daytime and warm 24 hrs a day. It also gets fresh water daily.




  1. is it a rat or a snake?

  2. It is not a good idea to feed it heated raw chicken. It may take it, but a whole food item is preferred so it gets all the nutrients it needs from a meal. Thawed or pre-killed mice or rats are a much better choice if you can't feed live rodents. An easy way to check for mites is lay down white paper towels in it's cage and check every few hours or so. The mites will drop off and look like little black dots on the paper towels after feeding. The mites also tend to congregate around the eyes, behind the neck, and under the lower jaw. Hold the snake by the head under a light and tilt it's head to the side and look under the scales. You may see them that way. Mites can be hard to get rid of but if it does have mites, you have to throw out any bedding, and anything you are keeping like a hide must be soaked in a bleach solution and cleaned. Boiling water works too. You can buy mite spray to use on the snake but if that isn't available, place the snake in a plastic tub with a lid and fill with water. Leave just enough room at the top for the snake to get air. Keep it in there for 15-20 mins. the mites will drown and come off. until you are sure the mites are gone, only line the cage with paper towels and a hide so the mites are easier to spot. You also have to clean the cage with a bleach and water solution and rinse thoroughly.

  3. first of all what you are doing is illegal in australia.... and you should put it back asap, however i do also have a passion for snakes (pythons and i have a reptile keepers liscence which is easy to get but you still can't just take them from the wild) and i know it can be tempting to keep one's you find but they are wild and you cannot tame them, feeding raw chicken- bad idea and i wouldn't do it again it can make your snake get fat deposites and die.. some people do this if they want their snake to grow fast but it REALLY harms them. they can also catch diseases from doing this.

    i don't know how big it is but i wouldn't feed it that, if your going to feed it feed it a rat.

    you need to buy them live rats (if it's a baby you need pinkies, day olds) and yes readers this is horrible but you need to bang them on the head so there not alive but still warm and feed immediatly being careful the snake doesn't mistake your hand as the rat as it's going off the heat. this way it's more human for the rat and your snake can't get hurt. i've seen a 13ft snake be killed by a live rat...

    washing- it's winter so it's cold, naturally bad idea cos they can catch phemonia (sorry bout spelling) and die VERY easily. if you do keep it and need to wash it (not that you should) you get a material bag, turn it inside out so that the seems can't hurt it, wet the bag and put the snake in it. tie the bag and leave in the tank for an hr or so. the snake will move around and wash it's self... it is a snake not dog... this also helps if they are having trouble shedding a skin. also if it has ticks on it DO NOT remove them all at once this is to sudden for the snake and does more harm then good.

    my advice is to let it go asap as you will only harm it even if you don't think your doing so, go get your reptiles liscense and buy a hatchling if you want a snake.... you can type "reptile liscening" in google or go to the NPWS website to apply for a liscense. goodluck

  4. ='[ wish i had a snake

    well according to its name it sound like it eats poor innocent rats =( oh n i went on a website n it said that they are not commenly found in chicken farms so i guess its prolly their least favoured food lol Japanese rat snakes eat a variety of small animals: rodents, frogs or lizards. They are strong climbers and often raid birds nests.but other than that hope ur havin fun with it =)

    and if u need a babysitter for it im always here lol

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