
Wild turkey trivia?

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Does anyone have any wild turkey trivia (preferably of the eastern subspecies, like the ones in Monongahela.




  1. Not eastern and not very witty, but something to start you off:

    Q: Where does the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) get its name from?

    A: Its name derives from the peacock-like ocelli (eyes) on the tail feathers.

  2. calling in th e wild birds still works the best good camoflage,   still make it illegal to hunt wild birds in many sections of the monogahela especially alonong the Dolly Sods

  3. There is a good whiskey named for wild turkeys.  Well, good is in the glass of the taster, I suppose.

    Ben Franklin thought the wild turkey would make a great "American Bird."  He preferred it to the American bald eagle, in fact, because he though it was a more noble bird.

    I'm curious about how you'll be using the trivia.

  4. Virgina; wild turkey courtship begins in late March early april.                    There favorite food is acorns. They have a very bad sense of smell.
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