
Wildfire scooter malfunctioned...any legal options?

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I bought a wildfire 150cc scooter two weeks ago. Since then it has got less than 40 mpg and had trouble maintaining 45 mph on a straight stretch of road. My opinion of these scooters is that they are shoddy terrible machines. Last week while riding the handlebars and front wheel locked up and forced me to lay the bike down on a curb. Even though I was traveling at less than 5 mph both rear springs/struts broke right off the frame. The bike has less than 100 miles and might be beyond repair. I was very angry at the performance of the scooter and now this happens. What can I do or how can I go after them to refund my money or fix the damage. I called the company and have not received anything back from them. My advice to anyone else looking at these bikes is to stay away from anything made in china!-no offence. The manual mentions a warranty but the dealer who sold me the scooter cut out the warranty information/application. Any help or input would be appreciated! Thanks




  1. I'm sorry that happened to you

    I have been on Yahoo Answers screaming at people NOT to buy cheap-off brand Chinese Scooters!

    what to do:

    I hope you saved the bill of sale and the receipt

    call up the State Attorney General office of the state you live in and ask them to send you a complaint form, fill it out  and enclose copies of everything, and see what happens, mostly one phone call from this state office is enough to scare the dealer you purchased it from

  2. If by "riding the handlebars" you mean you were doing stunts on the scooter, then you would have violated the warranty anyway. Stunt riding is considered abusive riding when it comes to standard warranties

    And that's why the scooter broke, btw.

    Poor mileage? Your description of how you ride tells me you are a "all the way on or all the way off the throttle" person and that destroys your economy.

    Why not assume the responsibility for your actions and the damage they caused?


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