I invested in some land some 5 years ago I originally bought about 5 acres to build for a lake house well with my job with animals the pay wasn't as high as I was hoping so I saved up now
I have around 4.7 million dollars turns out the second year I got a promotion. But that isn't all when I looked up my land it turns out I now have 374 Acres of desert,mountains, and some grassland/forested areas. I've been thinking should I open up a Wildlife Preserve I already know where to get the animals from hunting ranches, I know it may not be sensible but it's giving the animals who would have otherwise been hunted for trophy, another chance. Now I'm thinking of something like Fossil Rim or Arbuckle Wilderness, I'm asking the Yahoo Users who care about the environment should I go ahead and try and make a Wildlife Preserve or would it be a waste of time and money?